For the LANCNC and LANUSB products. Use a standard SD card SDHC type. It must be FAT32 format. SD cards 32GB and smaller typically come already set to FAT32.
USB disks must be FAT32 format. Typically 32GB and smaller come already set to FAT32.
There are no required files the SD card or USB disk, they can be blank. The LANCNC.INI and USBCNC.INI files are only used temporarily to modify certain settings on the Calmotion unit. The file does not need to stay on the disk because once the settings are loaded they are saved into the unit. After successful configuration using the INI file, make a print a copy, or save the file somewhere else if it is needed to reload in the future. It is recommended to delete the INI file from the SD or USB disk when configured.
Attached a sample of the INI for USBCNC Fadal products. And the LANCNC.INI file used to configure IP addresses.
This is what the file should look like in the Windows Notepad editor when it is used for the universal CNC versions of the LANCNC, where only the IP addresses need to be set.
This is what the file should look like in the Windows Notepad editor when it is used for Fadal only LANCNC-FAD and LANUSB-FAD products since the baud rate can only be set with the CNC= line in the INI file.
This is what the file should look like in the Windows Notepad editor when it is used for Fadal only USBCNC-FAD products since the baud rate can only be set with the CNC= line in the INI file.
I am trying to change the ip of my lancnc-fad and it is not working. I put a new ini file on the sd card but it will not load. How do you initialize the new .ini file?