With the Calmotion LCD monitor replacement for the Fadal, ELE-0189, there are multiple background and foreground color settings. With the standard coax video cable to BNC connector there are only 2 colors, a foreground and a background color. The Calmotion LCD provides a jumper to choose what those 2 colors will be.
On the back of the LCD unit there is are button controls. The SW1 button (furthest from LED power light) will open the menu, and is also the select button. SW2 is moves highlight left, and reduces a settings value. SW3 moves the highlight right, and increases setting value. (SW4 not used) .
Open the menu on the LCD and select this icon to set the color levels:

Add the jumper that is next to the BNC connector:
Blue background and White foreground: Set red to 50%, green to 50% and blue to 100%

Black background and White foreground: Set red to 50%, green to 50% and blue to 50%

Remove the jumper that is next to the BNC connector:
Black background and Green foreground: Set red to 50%, green to 50% and blue to 0%